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Nov 23, 2021
Test Driving the Analogue Wonderlab!
I gave Analogue Wonderland's Wonderlab a test drive during their... testing... first few weeks! With my roll of Retropan 320 Soft.

Sep 14, 2021
You don't need an expensive film camera.
You don't need to take out a second mortgage to buy a film camera. Take a chance on a bargain and it'll be infinitely more rewarding!

Aug 4, 2021
One Year On: going back to Birmingham
The last time I was in Birmingham was March 2020 until yesterday! I had some time to snap some shots before I had to jump on a train!

Jun 22, 2021
Game Boy Camera - easier to use now than ever
My hobbies collide... again... as thanks to the Epilogue GB Operator I can now shoot and save my GB camera images easier than ever before!

Jun 1, 2021
New Camera: Canon Powershot SX720 HS
I've got a new camera! The Canon Powershot SX720 HS. I took it, and it's crazy x40 zoom out in the Bank Holiday sun for a road test!

May 10, 2021
First Impressions of Kodak Ektachrome E100
Despite shooting film since 2008, I've genuinely never shot with slide film! Until now!

Mar 17, 2021
Competition Pro GBA Mini Camera
My hobbies collide as I get to shoot photos with my Game Boy Advance using the Competition Pro GBA Mini Camera!

Feb 11, 2021
Taking the Kassha out in the snow
I took my JCH Kassha out in the January snow to snap some wintery black & white shots on JCH Street Pan film.

Jan 28, 2021
Using a Cosmic 35 for the first time
The Cosmic 35 is one of the most produced 35mm cameras of all time, and I finally added one to my collection!

Dec 30, 2020
Staying active in 2020
I don't usually do end of year reviews... but I don't usually spend 9 months of the year working from my sofa...
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